How to mint a mNFT via IVO?

Step 1: Vote on a proposal or create a new proposal at snapshot

Before you go to Snapshot to vote or create a new proposal, please add Binance network to Metamask firstly, and make sure that you keep 1 MAPI at least in your address.

1.Add the Binance network to Metamask

Network Name: BSC


Chain ID: 56

Currency Symbol: BNB

Block explorer URL:

2. Click Import tokens to add MAPI.

MAPI Contract address:


3. Join Pizzap space at Snapshot .

Select Metamask to connect your wallet. Then click Pizzap to enter the proposal space.

Here, you can vote on a proposal or create a new proposal. Official tutorials here.

If you go to create a new proposal, please follow the format below. Here, IP means the influencer/ celebrity who has super large followers.


  • The amount of MAPI you hold will only decide the voting power here, which means MAPI will not be reduced when the transaction happens in this step.

  • Whatever you vote or create a proposal, all the transactions happening here won’t cost any BNB gas fee.

Step 2: Stake PNFT to the proposal pool

Once the proposal is voted successfully, the proposal will be officially available at to allow PNFT holders to stake. Please make sure you hold PI and PNFT in the address.

1.Add Plian L2 network to Metamask. Details

Mainnet- L2

Network Name: Plian-L2 wallet


ChainID: 8007736

Symbol: PI

Block Explorer URL:

2. Add PNFT token in Metamask. Details

PNFT contract address: 0x10401b9A7E93E10aC92E7bB55Ae87433B9E01e08

3. Connect a wallet to Plian L2, and click Matemask.

If you are a proposal creator, please connect the same wallet address used at Snapshot.

4. Grant the proposal to start staking at Pizzap IVO.

This execution is only available to the proposal creator. If you are not the creator, please ignore this step.

Please Click GRANT to confirm the info. Click START STAKING to launch the proposal officially on Pizzap. It may cost 0.0005 PI as gas fee to make one transaction with Metamask.

5. Select proposal pool to Stake PNFT.

Click Staking to stake PNFT. Enter the number of PNFT you wanna stake which will decide the reward percentage in this pool. You can claim PNFT at any time.

The file upload is optional, but if you upload the IP related voice file(s), it will increase the reward percentage in the staking pool.

Step 3: Mint a mNFT

1.When the staking pool reaches the minimum amount in the valid timeline or the maximum staking amount before the end time, the pool will enter the next step: Mint mNFT. This execution is only available to the proposal creator. Please click Mint to start the mNFT creation.

2.Meanwhile, the team and community will reach out to the target celebrity/ influencer for his/ her mNFT authorization. Once authorized, the pool status will be changed to success.

Step 4: Claim reward

1. If the staking pool status is FAILED, stakers need to click FAILED to claim PNFT back.

2. When the staking pool status is SUCCESS, please click it to enter the reward page. When you click claim, the system will help check the final reward percentage number for you, please confirm the transaction with Metamask. After that, you can see the exact percentage number in the left, click CLAIM again to get PNFT reward at any time.

Last updated