How to transfer PI between L1 wallet & 2 wallet on PaiSwap

If you have no PI token on Plian subchain (L2 wallet ) when going to PaiSwap, please click L2 wallet button to deposit PI from Plian main chain (L1 wallet ) to subchain (L2 wallet).

Before you transfer PI, please also ensure you have installed and set up Metamask on your dervice, and connected wallet to Metamask.

Deposit PI from Plian L1 wallet (main chain) to L2 wallet (Subchain)

Click the Deposit button, and enter the PI amount you would like to deposit in L2 wallet (Subchain).

Click submit button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm at least 3 steps.

Step 1: Confirm the deposit transaction.

Step 2: Wait and confirm to switch network to Plian L2 wallet.

Step 3: Wait and confirm the 2nd transaction. Don’t worry, there is no gas fee for the second transaction!

Notice: Due to transfer PI between Plian main chain (L1 wallet) and Plian subchain (L2 wallet), both chain network should be connected. So if you connected with Plian L2 wallet, your wallet will ask you to switch to L1 wallet first and then confirm the deposit transaction.

You need wait until the following page shows on your screen, which means you deposit successfully, and click the close button.

Withdraw PI from Plian L2 wallet (subchain) to L1 wallet (main chain)

In this case, users usually want to transfer PI to an external address like an exchange wallet, so that they have to withdraw PI from Plian subchain to main chain first, then send PI from main chain network to the external address via Metamask.

Click Withdraw button, fill out the PI amount you would like to withdraw to Plian L1 wallet (main chain).

Click the submit button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm at least 3 steps like deposit process above: Confirm the withdraw transaction --> switch network----> confirm the 2nd transction.

You need wait until the following page shows on your screen, which means you withdraw successfully, and click the close button.

Last updated